
Amazing race music lesson
Amazing race music lesson

amazing race music lesson amazing race music lesson

Ask if they would be willing to be involved in your groups Amazing Race.īusinesses may be willing to help if you offer to give them a certificate of appreciation! You can print one up in something like MSWord after the race.

amazing race music lesson

Go directly to shops you are interested in, even if you don’t know anyone. If you happen to know the night manager at a local shop, then organise to drop in. Other places you might like to try public parks or reserves, playgrounds, local monuments or attractions, tourist information centres, friends houses, beaches or rivers!īe prepared to involve people you know who work in the local area. Be prepared to ask around your social group to find out where people work, or where their friends work, these could be possible stopovers. Use the resources you have available to you. shopping centres, etc.) to a minimum. I speak from experience! If you think they might be a bit unruly, it is better to keep visits to busy locations (eg. It is important to think about whether a public location will suit your group. Choose some that are busy, some that are quiet, some urban, some out in the countryside. Remember to vary the types of places you go to. Consider not only what tasks teams will perform, but the location at which they will perform them.

Amazing race music lesson